Scuba Diving Records Worth Knowing

People in the world are always challenging each other by breaking records and one of the most famous organizations that authorize and collect these records are the Guinness World Records. You can find all sorts of world records in there, ranging from ones that are superb to the ones that are ridiculous and trivial. Holding a world record means that out of everyone in this world, you can do that particular thing the best and human’s competitive nature finds these challenges tempting. Every year you will get numerous people attempting to break records or create a whole new record. One of the well-known areas within the Guinness World Records is scuba diving and there are multiple records being held when it comes to scuba diving. This article would list down three of these world records. 

1 – Highest Altitude Scuba Diving

Currently, the person that holds the world record for the highest altitude scuba diving is Marcel Korkus, a Polish diving instructor. The altitude which he dived in was 6,395 meters above sea level and he attempted this in December 2019. The place where the dive took place was Ojos del Salado. It is considered as the highest volcano on Earth and it is located on the borders between Argentina and Chile. On the day of the dive, the water temperature was just 3° C and the team had to break ice with the thickness of 1.3 meters before Korkus could go underwater. 

2 – Fastest Scuba Diving in 10 km

In 2018, August 22nd, Faisal Al Mosawi became the record holder for the fastest 10 km scuba diving. He is a disabled scuba diver who has always worked hard in achieving his goals without letting his physical limitations prevent him from accomplishing things and going after one’s dream. With this record, he said he has proved that limitations are only in our head and if we will ourselves to do something, we can achieve it no matter what. This diver from Kuwait, trained for three months in pools and one month in the open sea before finally attempting to break the previous record. He set the new record in Hurghada, Egypt where the dive lasted for 5 hours and 24 minutes, successfully cutting off the time by an hour compared to the previous record. 

3 – Longest Saltwater Scuba Diving

For this record, it is held by an Egyptian diver, Saddam Al-Kilany. He beat the previous record set by a Turkish diver Cem Karabay with an hour more to his clock. He spent 145 hours and 30 minutes underwater before he surfaced. This record was attempted by Saddam off the coast of Dahab on 5th of November, this year. While being underwater for an incredible six days, Saddam did many things to pass his times. He prayed, played chess and even painted underwater while he waited to finally break the previous record. He and his team were very cautious in their plan as they wished for a perfect success in Saddam’s attempt.

These records are here to be awed at but bear in mind, this could change anytime soon. Comes another diver with great determination and motivation, they can definitely break these records with enough preparation and practice. If you are inspired to be one of the people to break these records but you are still an amateur scuba diver, you can get your diving license in Malaysia because not only the islands here are magnificently beautiful, the diver instructors here are experts with years of experience. 

If you want to know about some tips for college students living in a boarding house, click here.

Advantage And Disadvantage of Frozen Food

The thing which incorporates a lot of benefits also has some disadvantages. Same like that food product encompasses a lot of advantages to human life and on the other hand also some disadvantages. If we discuss advantages, then the very first thing available in our minds is that we can store frozen foods as long as we would like but this is often not the case. Only selected items will be stored using freezing while others can lose their taste. Some foodstuffs have great taste. And becomes more delicious upon freezing similar to vegetables like spinach, corn, broccoli, mushrooms, etc. While some foods can lose their taste and maybe a blend of various tastes which feels unpleasant to the mouth. Ordering frozen foods will be good and worse. Some foodstuffs degrade over time and are useless. By ordering food products or by freezing food reception, some edible things can lose their important vitamins like b and c which are quite important in maintaining the health of someone. On the other hand, some food is additionally there which becomes more delicious over time by freezing. Click here to know more about why you should take restaurant management courses.

Frozen food in Malaysia :

In Malaysia, people use food products abundantly. They think that foodstuff is nice for his or her health and stay them healthy. But this is often not true. Foodstuff is additionally prone to health. Ascertain food items contain important antioxidants which are present once they are in fresh condition and loses them after they are frozen. While freezing food, some foodstuff changes its texture and becomes mushy. There are some important minerals and antioxidants present in fresh foods including meat, seafood, vegetables, and fruits. Which protect humans cell from being damaged. While freezing food, such antioxidants become absent and your body couldn’t recover the cells without them. If you are interested, you can buy vegetables online Malaysia.

Frozen food online in Malaysia :

If we discuss the benefits of foodstuff, then there are countless benefits of foodstuff. The food product is found almost everywhere in Malaysia. While freezing food, the merchandise becomes more nutritious. We can use it anytime by just opening our freezer then we will cook it easily. Frozen foods contain the next level within Malaysia. People prefer to freeze their seasonal food and may eat it anytime. Some foodstuff becomes overloaded with certain minerals on freezing and flourish in the body. The one who is inquisitive about buying frozen foods can purchase it from any supermarket easily or just can freeze the food reception. There are different supermarkets like OnGrocer which specifically cope with foodstuff. Frozen foods have advantages that’s why it’s commonly used among people. If a food product has a disadvantage then, on the contrary, it’s numerous benefits. We cannot deny the fact and stop eating frozen foods because it disappoint one’s health but it also flourishes people’s health at large. We can avail the food product when there’s nothing to eat and that we didn’t want to create an effort in cooking, simply opt for food product and slightly cook it and revel in the relishing taste of foodstuff 

Educational Websites and their Significance

This plays a very important role in finding ideas globally. This makes it easy and convenient to collect data on topics while searching on the internet. Having a website is a great way to share and share knowledge and experience with others. This has a strong impact on the image of the company or organization.

4 Useful Websites For Higher Education Research And University Applications

This provides an opportunity for schools, colleges, and universities to introduce themselves and attract the attention of prospective students. However, there are also many potential free exercises that can be utilized. Educational sites can be a source of information, conduct self-study courses, contain learning resources, and more. The Internet has created great opportunities in the education world. In addition to providing schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions with opportunities to introduce themselves to prospective students, they also provide an educational benefit to be enjoyed. Here is more information about the significance of the educational websites and how you can also create an educational website

  • A valuable platform for corporate information:

It is important for any educational institution to have a website. Businesses are not the only ones that need an online presence to be successful. Your organization needs to break down geographical boundaries, and websites play an important role in ensuring this.

The types of information that your website can display are also very diverse. You can use your website to provide course materials, reading lists, and interactive forums, as well as information about courses, faculty, physical structures, and timelines.

Your website can be used as a communication or focal point for students, with calls to action that make it easier for students to communicate. There are important vehicles to reach.

Prospective students and parents are always looking for more information about any educational organization. They need information on infrastructure and management, and the courses and services offered. This allows them to make the right decision about whether it is right for them and their children.

  • How can a customized experience attract attention?

Education website development services can combine personalized and customized design. This ensures that the website is not only responsive but can also target the right target audience. You can use informative graphics, color illustrations, and typography to make the dots more effective. A picture really tells a thousand words.

Infographics can create in-depth experiences for students, making them useful ways to explain the programs and courses you offer. It’s important to make sure you provide high standards of information and content, including high-quality photos, professional photos, and high-definition videos.

If you too want to create a website for learning purposes, all you need is an idea (Such as on what particular topics your website will provide information) and a web design company. Jumix web design is an excellent web design company for designing your educational website and the content for your website can be provided by different experts in a particular subject. You may have seen websites for other schools and colleges where the information provided is somewhat lacking. When building an educational website, you should look at this as your opportunity to delve into it. Make sure you always do more than satisfy the curiosity of your readers. Other than that, you can also check our website about Penang Culture.


Myth About Slot Games

Back in 1894, the creation of the first ever slot machine was designed to be put into service. Since then, there has been a frenzy on the usage and millions of casino-goers all around the globe have been staking their money inside these colorful and bright boxes that’s filled my thrill and mystery. 

Just about everyone who has ever visited a casino has tried to play and wage on these machines to give it a little spin in hope that they will gain some few bucks but failed to do so. Perhaps, it just needs a little understanding on how the machine works in order to overcome it. 

Figuring out the reason why it’s quite difficult is due to the minimal understanding people have on the slot machine functionality and trying to make it work by using peculiar methods to outbid the machine that might perpetuate many rumours.

It could also be that the machines are depending purely because of luck so people correlate them to all kinds of myths based on their readings online. 

Whatever the reasons why they exist, the truth remains that there are many misconceptions about slots that are replicated daily that you can find out here at slot machine online Malaysia.

So, let’s dive and debunk into the myths that you probably have come across. 

  • Cold and Hot Slots Fallacy

Firstly, this can be categorized as the most popular and known misconception of slot machines applicable to both in the physical venue and online. The theory goes on how at a specific amount of time, certain games would offer a higher payouts than the rest because they’re ‘hot’ and then stop doing it again after it’s got ‘cold’.

As a result, it means that the tendency for a slot to payout more than the players could ever manipulate which is incorrect in so many levels. First of all, casino games do not have built in memory in their system to manipulate the outcome of a spin.

Additionally, the Random Number Generation system is built to induce random outcomes at every turn someone takes. 

  • Time of Day Matters

This wild assumption is more applicable to the brick and mortar casinos, but a massive leap of reasoning is not required to extend it to online gaming websites. 

In short, this theory tells that the slots would give you a better payout compared to other games at a specific time of the day. During non-busy hours, the casino aims to lure players into bigger winning odds.

This theory without a doubt has no sound reasoning due to the fact that there’s no concrete proof and if this turns out to be true, the games would no longer have random outcomes.

In most jurisdictions, it is illegal to do so as it is a form of deception. Even famous gamblers wouldn’t touch machines that are altered from their factory settings. 

  • Slots are Rigged Against the Players

It is a common misconception that the games have been rigged because most of the gambling always supports the house in either way and for a number of reasons, this accusation is not valid.

For starters, if there’s a 0 chance of winning the game, no one would ever set foot in a casino again because nobody likes to wager for no return on their capital. The fact is that in playing these machines, some are going to win and some will not, it all depends solely on their own luck of their game.

For casinos to tamper with this machine so that it would miss your every turn is unlawful and is against the law so no regulators would abide by it.

So for the best online casino Malaysia experience check us out! For further understanding read here.

Tips for College Students Living in a Boarding House

If you are about to start college, you have to prepare for a number of transitions. Yes, it is said that college students will start experiencing partial independence. This is the time when you might be away from your family longer for the first time, like about 5 months or more. 

So, are you excited to be in college? What are you taking? Are you in a hurry to help your parents? Yes, once you are in kolej untuk lepasan spm, you will be a step away from earning your money. But the duration will depend on what type of course you will decide to take and how good your grades will be. So, now that you decided to sambung belajar lepas spm, you should also decide on the course to take, whether you will take a diploma or a degree course. 

Are you going to live in a boarding house? This is usually the case, especially for those who are living in rural areas where there is no college facility. If you happen to be one of them, the following tips about boarding house life might come in handy:

  • As this is your first time to be away from home on your own, there is a good chance you will feel nostalgic and might run back home, neglecting your studies. Note that you are there for your parents as well, so you can help them later on. So, you have to be brave and to lessen the loneliness, you can bring more reminders from home. This way, it will feel like you are just in your home and will feel more settled. 
  • You have to be open-minded as there will be so many new things you will experience in your new environment. You have to be relative in adapting these things as well as not all of them can be good for you. There may be times when you feel like clinging your old ways, and that will be fine as well. The bottom line is to always instill in your mind that you are there to study and that should be your top priority. 
  • One thing you always have to note is that you are on your own now. This means you will do things on your own. No one will cook for you, clean up your mess or remind you about things. Yes, you can give your parents a call from time to time, but you can hardly expect them to be always at your beck and call. So, be sure to be responsible and watch your health, so your purpose in staying far from your family will not be sacrificed. 

Without a doubt, this hardships will pass as well. However, while the transition is still fresh, you might have a hard time, thus you also need to always remind yourself that this is for your future. Well, this is not only for your future as after you have the diploma in your hands, you can then start helping your parents. 

One of a highly reputable college in Malaysia is Widad! You are advised to go to their website and discover the numerous courses they offer. Kursus pengurusan restoran is one of the top course in Widad with outstanding experts in the field and endless knowledge to learn from.

Tips that will Lighten up the Burden of Finding a New Property to Live In

Looking For A New Property?

Looking for the right property that fits you, takes a lot more effort than you think. You might think that all it needs is a good real estate agent, but actually it is more than that.

Sure, hiring a good real estate agent is one thing. But looking for the property yourself and actually getting it on your own would be even better. You see, a real estate agent does not only consider the benefits you get, but also theirs. They’d go for a property where they’d be able to get a good percentage at. Even if it is not the best choice for you, they would make it seem like it is because of the benefits they’ll be getting. So before hiring one, make sure to think about it first. 

And in the meantime, here are some tips that you might be able to use to help you out in looking for the property yourself. Guaranteed, these tips will help you lighten up the burden. Read through the whole article to find out what these are.

  • Thinking about your future plans for that property will be able to help you a lot in deciding how big the property you’re getting is. If you’re planning to keep it and build a family in it, then you should probably a property with more than two bedrooms. But if you’re only planning to keep it until you settle, then a two-bedroom property is more than enough. You don’t have to spend a great deal of money by getting a big property if you’re only planning to live in it for few years. Yes, you might think that it’s going to be okay since you’ll just be selling it in the future, but the money you spend with it will never be fully replaced. So it’s best to go for a property with the a size that you only need.
  • Then, aside from all of that, you need to do some research on the neighborhood you belong in. You want to make sure that you belong in a safe neighborhood, one that you can actually vibe with your neighborhoods with. It will surely make things a lot more fun and enjoyable. You want somewhere where you can actually sleep peacefully at night and not worry about anything else in the world.

Related Post: Why Choose Malaysia

Now, living in a new property would be enjoyable if you don’t find the right city to in with. Therefore you should definitely consider looking into the available properties in Malaysia, for there are a ton of it you’d surely be interested in. If you choose to live there, guaranteed, life will be much easier than ever. The awesome areas that you should consider are Subang Jaya, Puchong, Selayang, Johor Bahru and Gombak

So what are you still waiting for? Look it up now before it is all too late!

Reasons to Take a Restaurant Management Course

Reasons to Take a Restaurant Management Course

Are you still not decided on what course to take? Well, don’t worry as you are not alone. It is just right that you really think well before committing to a course. After all, your plans today can greatly affect your future. It is just hard if you also have to consider your parents having a hard time funding your studies. 

If you are in a dire situation, like maybe your parents suggest you should rest this year and you think that is just a waste of your time, you can find a way without bothering your parents. Maybe they also need to consider your other siblings. Instead, you can just take a pengurusan restoran. That is right, if you choose a diploma course, you can find an organization that will help you fund your studies. You can just pay them later when you already get a job. 

There are a number of perks in taking a restaurant management course and they are enumerated below:

  • You have the option to choose your environment. With so many choices where to apply, you certainly have the option to select your environment, whether you will apply in a restaurant or maybe a hotel. Hotels after all have their own diners as well. 
  • There are facilities that offer a lot of job benefits. Yes, you will certainly enjoy exceptional perks if you end up in a good organization. That will depend though on your skills. And mind you, just because you are only taking a diploma course, does not mean that you will never keep up with a degree holder when it comes to skills. You still have a chance if you will just persevere and work hard. 
  • When it comes to career advancement, you can say that restaurant management graduates will not lack of them. You even have the options to start your own business, even in a small scale only at the start. You are in a food business course thus; the opportunities are always there. 
  • Most of the time, there will be bonuses as well on top of your regular salary. This is usually quota-based and thus, you will always have a chance to be included. This is where those hard-working people can really get the prize.
  • You have a chance to see the world. That is right and that is not only because customers from all over the world can check into the restaurant or hotel where you are working, but also because opportunities for this type of career is global. No matter where you go, you will find that people with your skills are in demand. You will never run out of a chance to find a job. 


So, you should think it over. Now is the perfect time to shape your future, considering you are still in the best years of your life. You are still about to start a world of independence. This is the time when you have to watch out for your decisions as you are now on your own. 

Getting The Right Pilates Class

What Kind Of Pilates Class You Should Go For

Pilates sounds overwhelming and intimidating. A ton of people tend to stay at home and do their own because they are intimidated with idea of going to an actual pilates class. If you’re also one of these people, you shouldn’t be. 

Pilates class is fun. Finding the right pilates class to sign up will give you more benefit. But before that, let’s talk about pilates first.

So, pilates is basically a series of exercises that are derived from callisthenics, ballet movements, and yoga. It helps people improve balance, posture, strength, etc. It tones the body in a more relaxing way. It also gives one a ton of other benefits. Finding the right Pilates class can help you gain more benefits. To help you out, we have some tips you can use to find the right one. 

If you’re new to this whole thing, it’s best to choose a Pilates class that is done in a not too big and not too small studio. You want just the right size with the right amount of people. You don’t want a ton of people on your first day, because you’re still trying to get comfortable in the crowd. If you choose a slightly bigger audience, there’s a chance you won’t be able to execute the moves well enough because of insecurities, nervousness, and overthinking.

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Choose a pilates class with a pilates teacher that you’re comfortable with. You should be able to feel comfortable around such person, and that you should be able to trust him/her. It’s easier for you to move and easier for you to take things seriously if you like the people you’re surrounded with.

So those are some of the tips you can use to find the right pilates class. You can try any pilates class Malaysia. You’ll surely have an amazing time there.

Things You Can Try to Get a Good Entertainment At Home

What To Do At Home When You’re Bored

Getting good entertainment is not something easy. There are things you’d have to do be able to get such. Some even take a lot of effort to do so. 

Good thing, in this day and age, you can get yourself a good entertainment even if you’re at home. There are so many sites, that are currently offering amazing entertainment. If you want to know what these are, just read through the whole article to find out. Guaranteed, you will be happy with any of this.

Fun Activities To Do At Home

  • One thing you can get good entertainment from is streaming series and movies from Netflix. There are a ton of great movies and series you can surely choose from. You’d surely have fun watching it. You can also watch TV shows, documentaries, etc. You can learn while having fun watching those shows. All you have to do is sign up and pay a monthly fee that is very much affordable and at the same time worth it. 
  • If you love singing, you can try downloading karaoke apps. It is currently something that a ton of people is obsessed with. You can have fun without going through so much trouble, like setting up the sound system, preparing the microphone, etc. You can easily do that, by downloading an app. 
  • If you want to learn some new things, you can always go to YouTube and learn things by watching some videos there. Such a platform is filled with video tutorials on different things that you’d surely be happy to try. It will give you so much fun, and improve your brain’s health as well. 
  • If you want to improve your art skills, there are already a bunch of art apps you can try. With the development of technology, it has become more and more realistic vibes, which basically gives you the full experience.
  • Now if you want to experience, fun, excitement, and at the same time thrilling, you can always go for an online casino. For things like this, the online casino is the right way to go. You’d surely have fun betting and making money at the same time. But what’s really great about it is that you no longer have to go through the hassle of preparing yourself and suffering from heavy traffic. You can just stay at home, be as comfortable as you, wear anything, at even multi-task, like eating while playing poker. It surely is another level of fun. 

So what are you still waiting for? Make sure to try out any of those things mentioned above. If you’re interested in some casino, you can always try online casino Malaysia for Android and IOS. Guaranteed, you’ll be having so much fun because of it. You will not regret it once you get to experience it. 

Sign up on the website and cure your boredom. Guaranteed, it will all be worth it once you get a taste of how fun and exciting it can be! 

Why Choose Malaysia

Malaysia Truly Asia

It is safe to say that you are considering visiting another city or nation? Would you like to have an astonishing time on an outside land? On the off chance that an incredible experience is a thing that you are searching for, at that point here we know only one spot that you should look at. Malaysia has many properties that are great to live in such as Segambut condo and Titiwangsa condo.

Malaysia has been ignored by many, feeling that it has nothing but bad to offer. Yet, what they can be sure of is that Malaysia is the specific inverse of what they’re thinking. Individuals who stay with Malaysia will, in general, consider on for all time living there as a result of the way of life they have, and the numerous great things they can offer. On the off chance that you need to realize what these are, simply perused the entire article to discover. Here are some of them. 

  • Malaysia’s economy has as of now been steady for 10 years at this point, which implies that activity is steady, and more open doors are rising, 
  • Malaysia individuals are known to be one of the most kind-hearted and neighbourly individuals there is. They don’t care for other outside terrains that separate another race. In this nation, you wouldn’t make some hard memories fitting it. They will invite you to a family. 

See Also: I Want to Buy a Property in Malaysia

Presently, on the off chance that you do move into this stunning nation, at that point you must have the most astonishing property to receive the best in return. You can have a go at looking at Pandan Perdana condo, Pandan Indah apartment, and Taman Desa house for sale. These properties can offer you astounding involvement with living here in Malaysia. Ensured, you’d have the best time and that you won’t think twice about it.